Honey Harvest


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Honey Harvest // addapinch.com

Last night we harvested a little honey from the bees here at the farm. I shared a quick photo on Instagram, but thought you all might like to see a little bit more of the process of how we harvested honey.

With Bart traveling, we were a little late in the season for our harvest, but we finally set aside an evening for it. You want to allow plenty of time so that you aren’t rushed and are able to work during a cooler time of the day – for yourself as well as for the bees.

Bart got all the supplies together and pulled out his bee suit to get ready. He had to have a little help from Sam to tape around his gloves to make sure the bees didn’t sneak into the suit with him. That would make for a very bad no good day. And let me just say – been there, done that!

Of course, Annabelle had to be right in the middle of the action. She’s a nosy little thing.

Honey Harvest // addapinch.com

Zip, zip.

Safety check.


Honey Harvest // addapinch.com

There are so many different methods and opinions on how best to harvest honey and manage bees. If you ask 10 different beekeepers, you are likely to get at least 10 different answers! But, having a great group of beekeepers in your area is a wonderful resource to know specifics to look for with your bees.

We use just a little bit of smoke to calm the bees before going into the hives. Again, lessons learned over the years. But, some beekeepers prefer not to use smoke at all.


Honey Harvest // addapinch.com

Once Bart checks the hives, he gets to work quickly, but calmly removing just a few of the bars from the hives. We decided to only harvest a few bars this season since weather reports are predicting a more harsh, wet, and cold winter here in our area this year. We left the majority of the honey for the bees to have for their food and to help provide warmth for them through the fall and winter.

When Bart built our topbar hives, he put side panel windows in them so that we can check them periodically without having to disturb the bees. However, there are times that we have to open them to check them more carefully. But I will say those little windows are about the best thing ever!


Honey Harvest // addapinch.com

We decided not to use an extractor since we had such a small batch of honey in this harvest. Instead, we used the old, old, old method of straining by hand (or through a series of strainers over sterilized pots). All in all, we ended up with just over two and a half gallons of pure raw honey.

As we were bottling it, I got a little carried away with naming off all of the dishes I was going to make with the honey. If you can picture Bubba rattling off every possible shrimp recipe in Forrest Gump, then you have a pretty good idea of how I sounded throughout the process of straining the honey. 

Poor Bart.

But goodness gracious, there is nothing like honey. It just adds so much flavor to every dish you use it in! But really, a spoonful of honey is perfect when we have a cold or allergies and I love to stir it into a warm cup of tea on chilly mornings or to sweeten a glass of lemonade instead of using sugar. See, here I go again!


Honey Harvest // addapinch.com

We love to smear honey on warm biscuits or toast in the mornings with just a little bit of the honeycomb, so a few jars include the honeycomb, too!

They are just beautiful with the pieces of honeycomb nestled into the amber colored honey.

I think those are my favorite jars to see up on the shelves!





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About Robyn

Robyn Stone is a cookbook author, wife, mom, and passionate home cook. Her tested and trusted recipes give readers the confidence to cook recipes the whole family will love. Robyn has been featured on Food Network, People, Southern Living, and more.

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  1. Janie Martin says:

    I love raw unfiltered honey. I liked all the pix you posted, showing how you do it! Looks yummie. My Mother always bought honey and we liked the one with the comb still in it.. that was way back when it came in a can!! Thanks and may God be with you!

    1. Robyn says:

      Thanks so much, Janie! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and hope you are doing well! xo

  2. Olivia Bergner says:

    Thank you for sharing Robyn! I love your blog….it is my favorite!!!

    1. Robyn says:

      Thank YOU, Olivia! I’m so glad you enjoy it! xo

  3. Anne says:

    Wonderful post! I’m fascinated by bees — and that honey looks amazing!

    1. Robyn says:

      Thanks so much, Anne. We stay fascinated by them, too. They are just so amazing to watch and learn about – of course, their honey is out of this world, too!

  4. Maria Ribas says:

    Well that looks like a perfect way to spend a summer evening! You all are way too cute! 🙂

    1. Robyn says:

      We definitely had fun!

  5. Karen @ On the Banks of Salt Creek says:

    Bees. Love them. Raw local honey. Love it.
    This is on our to do list. Unfortunately it is way down the list.
    Some day though we will have bee hives and our own honey…..after I figure out how to do DHIA milk test with my goats properly 🙂

    1. Robyn says:

      Goats have always been on my son’s “wish list” for our farm. He’d be so jealous!

  6. Leslie says:

    Where can I find the glass honeypot .?

    1. Robyn says:

      Hi Leslie,
      I love that little honey jar! It is the perfect size and combination of my love of pewter and honey! 🙂 It was a gift from my Mama and I believe it is by Vagabond House.

  7. Helene Hanada says:

    I’m curious as to where did you get that cute honey jar? After getting an upper respiratory infection earlier this year, I added honey to my daily diet even though I am a diabetic. I use it sparingly though.
    I have a daily dose of honey, lemon, cinnamon & blackelderberry extract syrup.

    1. Robyn says:

      Hi Helene,
      My honey jar was a gift from my Mama. She knows how much I love pewter (and honey!) and gave it to me for Christmas a while back. I believe it is by Vagabond House.

      I hate that you had a respiratory infection, but love to hear about your daily dose of honey and other ingredients. Is that helping? I’ve always heard that a little honey everyday from your area helps with allergies.

  8. kim littleton says:

    I’m so happy that you were able to harvest your honey. It is so gratifying to know that your stewardship of the land helped produce something wonderful. Great pictures too.

    1. Robyn says:

      Thanks so much, Kim! You’ll be happy to know we only had one sting and that was from a tag-along honeybee that we missed. I always think of you when we are out with the bees! 🙂

  9. Robin says:

    This is so interesting. I didn’t know you had bees on your farm. Sam is so grownup and handsome. Look at that sweet Annabelle. Buddy would love to play with her.

    the other Robin

    1. Robyn says:

      He needs to come play and show her how to behave! 🙂